Star Wars for the Uninitiated

Apparently there are still people in the world who have not seen Star Wars. I do not know know what these people have been up to for the past 25 years. My only explanation is that they have been living in caves or are Amish or hate joy...something like that.

But there are actually people like this...and one of them helped produce a video that describes the Star Wars trilogy from the point of view of someone who has not seen it (below the fold). It's pretty funny, so watch the whole thing.

Star Wars: Retold (by someone who hasn't seen it) from Joe Nicolosi on Vimeo.

This video also reminded me of a clip from my favorite sitcom, How I Met Your Mother. In the clip, Ted is getting his fiance (played by Sarah Chalke) to watch Star Wars for the first time. Her description of it when he isn't looking is pretty funny too:

"That's a good point, Bear. Let's try that!"

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...and there's more of those people born everyday.

When I first ran into some people who hadn't grown up with SW, I decided it had a parallel with the Wizard of Oz, which I had only seen all mixed in with the rest of the Sunday afternoon TV movies: SW was a media event in my youth, but to those who come after, it is only one of many old classic movies.

In a sense, I'm one of those people. I did see the first film a few years after it came out, but it was so bad and incoherent I've never bothered with the rest of the dreck. I cannot recall the plotâwas there even a plot?âwhich is perhaps why I found the video boring (and, in fact, didn't make it to the video's end).

Luke kisses Han?

When did that happen?

(I didn't see the prequel trilogy either)