Doug Breitbart Says...

Science and applied science (engineering) serves as the primary engine of change and improvement in the human condition, at its best expression; and as the progenitor of man's self-destruction at its worst expression throughout human history. It seems that at the intersection of science and government, it has always been the latter that is predominant, as reflected in the subsidy of the DARPAs of the world relative to the funding of the National Science Foundation.

I believe science should be a cornerstone in the government's foundation; however, as much emphasis and resource as is placed on defense and military applications should be apportioned and applied to public sector and social sector applications of scientific inquiry and innovation.

I also believe, technology long generated and held captive within the military industrial complex based on national security constraints should be much more freely transitioned to and available for civilian applications in service to the public good and general improvement of the human condition. To borrow and modify, scientific discovery and innovation wants to be free; and, consistent with the spirit and values of our democracy, the same should be true of the fruits of taxpayer investment therein, even if initially motivated by national security and defense interests and intentions. Perhaps it is time, consistent with the values and intentions of our new President, that the paranoid cold war orientation of the past be discarded and replaced with a framework emphasizing solving domestic civilian issues and improving the quality of life and balance of the economy through scientifically generated innovation.

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