It's summer and Seed's running a few classic articles online. This weekend, read about "So"...
The language of science, with its specialized vocabulary and clipped rhythm, has a distinctive architecture.
The functional elegance of this rarefied speak is uniquely captured in one of its most inconspicuous words: "so." This isn't "so" the intensifier ("so expensive"); it's not the "so" that joins two clauses. This is the "so" that introduces a sentence, as in "So as we can see, modified Newtonian dynamics cannot account for the rotation of any of the three observed galaxies."
This "so" is key to a basic unit of scientific talk: the explanation.
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If you've decided to make all your bloggers free agents, would you let us know? We may be able to cut deals before the court orders an auction.
At a minimum, could you pick up the phone and give P. Z. Myers a call?
Hey cowpoke.
Are you even going to react to your #1 property joining the picket line?
I understand silent indifference to the loss of the cat lady demographic but if you lose the 18-25 year old white male social misfits you just lost the internet.