Workshops at ScienceOnline2010

If you are coming to ScienceOnline2010 and you have checked the amazing Program there, you have noticed that there will be a set of hands-on workshops on Friday morning.

If you will be attending (and even if you are not registered for the rest of the conference but will be in town on that day), you can sign up for workshops now - one 10am and one 11am worskhop. How do you sign up? By editing the Workshops page of the wiki - just add the number (up to 50 per session) and your name under the titles of workshops you want to participate in.

How do you choose which two workshops to attend?

If you want to start a blog and don't know how, sign up for Blogging 101 and an hour later you will have your own blog, ready to fill with content of your own, perhaps starting with your coverage of the conference over those three days.

If you already write a blog, but want to make your blog better, prettier, more interesting, more functional and, importantly, less isolated, i.e., better connected to the rest of the Web, sign up for Blogging 102.

If running a single, personal blog is not your thing (or you've already been doing it for years) and you are ready to step up and design your own site, something more complex and more flexible, with news, podcasts, videos, perhaps multiple blogs written by multiple users, then it may be time to start getting familiar with Drupal (yes, even the White House is now using Drupal for its sites). Get started in the Make your own social networking site with Drupal workshop.

Scientific articles get deposited into mysterious online places called Library Repositories. What are those? How do you use them? How do you find information in them? If you publish a paper, how do you deposit it there? This will all be answered in the Repositories for Fun and Profit session.

Sick of searching the Web for other people's images to use in your blog posts? Make your own. Learn how to use easy artistic and graphic tools in the Paint your blog images using a digital tablet session (watch that page - you may be asked to download software ahead of time).

Everyone can point a Flip camera and shoot, then upload the file on YouTube, right? Yes, but there are things to know and tricks to use to make your videos much better, thus more interesting, useful and educational. Learn the basics of Storyboarding your science video and posting it online.

Twitter, FriendFeed, Facebook, Flickr, YouTube, have heard of all of these and other social networking sites. But you are not on them and don't know how to use them. Or you are on them, but not really sure how to use them. Perhaps all you give and get there is silly and useless stuff. How do you find science information and/or other scientists on these services, how do you use those services to exchange useful information, to collaborate, or promote your organization? Find out in the Social media for beginners workshop.

Perhaps sound is your thing, rather than writing, images and video. Learn how to record and upload audio files and how to make them good, fun and useful in the Podcasting 101 session.

You can ask questions of the workshop leaders on their individual pages. Start signing up now.

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