All the science you ever need, on one poster

What if you found yourself thrown back in time to a pre-technological age? Could you stand on the shoulders of giants not-yet-born and bring your 21st century science to these ancient times, like Bruce Campbell in Army of Darkness? Or would you wish you'd spent less time watching Battlestar Galactica and more time learning the fundamentals of science? If it's the latter, worry not! has just the thing you need: a cheat sheet of every bit of important science you need to know! Just keep this folded in your pocket or worn under your sweater and you'll never have to worry about being a useless time traveller like Ashton Kutcher.


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Excellent, but they missed a trick; they should have said "Don't Panic!", rather than "Don't worry.

They also mentioned nothing about towels.

None of this would be possible without a towel.

Polaris is not "just about the brightest [star] in the sky." That would be Sirius. Or the Sun, if you're really picky.

Yeah Russell :)
Polaris is the 48th, 49th, or 50th brightest star (it's variable) for anyone wbo wants to nitpick on the "just about" part of the original sentence.

Yeah Russell :)
Polaris is the 48th, 49th, or 50th brightest star (it's variable) for anyone wbo wants to nitpick on the "just about" part of the original sentence.
Go outside and look, then tell me it's bright. It isn't even nearly the brightest star in that area. This is a common misconception.

I like the poster in general though, I always worry about being thrown back in time and needing to reinvent technology!