SciencePunk interviewed for Jemsite

Music-science crossover special! The lovely people at Jemsite, a repository for all your Ibanez JEM guitar and related musical needs, have been featuring a run of science bloggers on their blog.

Since clearly music is the only thing that comes close to the awesomeness of science, I was more than happy to take part!

Do you think music can help teach science or help students learn science?

Without a doubt. I've already been lucky enough to hear fantastic lectures on the neurology of music from scientists such as Giana Cassidy and Jessica Grahn. Music is a phenomenally integral part our society and also our actual human-ness - no other animal experiences music in the way we do. It's mysteries like that which can keep scientists engrossed for a lifetime.

Read the full interview, and many more, here.


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"Phenomenally integral"? Did you use that phrase for a dare?

Nice work though, good to see science in a music magazine...

Ha! As a writer I'm entitled to marshal words as I please!