Man shrugs off 500,000 volts of electricity

Looking every bit like the mythical Silver Power Ranger, the guy in this video is bestowed with similarly impressive powers - the ability to shoot lightning from his hands!

So what's really happening here? The lightning is actually being generated by the huge Tesla coil in the background, and flowing through the figure into a ground point near the camera. The chain mail suit protects the guy as the electricity flows around him rather than through him.

The video was shot in Austin, Texas, as part of a documentary for German television. Producer Johannes Wiebus says:

A guy in a chain mail Faraday suite is getting hit with 500.000 volts, generated by a home made Tesla Coil. Lightning sparks are shooting out of his hands, right over our camera's lens. We had mounted the camera in its own Faraday cage to protect it.

The video was made with Arc Attack, a Texan band that uses singing Tesla coils.


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So- A Faraday cage in chainmail form? That works even if there's direct physical contact with the cage?

I think so. The metal cage is more conductive than the body so the electricity flows over rather than through. You can see that his fingertips are protected by foil caps, which could be a heat issue, or possibly that the current spills out of the mail at that point. I'm open to suggestions.

Just don't forward the chainmail - it'll hog the Texan bandwidth

Volts of electricity? That's a bit like saying Newtons of static force...