Breathe cleaner air while you cycle

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An Industrial Design and Technology student from Brunel University in West London has designed an air-filtering cycle helmet and respirator that will filter out air pollutants and contaminants while you ride. It may be useful for those who suffer from severe allergies or hay fever.

Would you wear this, though? Seems bulky to me.

Read more from this Brunel University press release


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And I thought my helmet was too big because of its visor! The part I like about this contraption is the clear shield. Sure, pollen and particulates are a problem for me, but the worst are the gnats and bees that end up in nostrils, ears and mouths...

I have on numerous occasions contemplated whether bike(r)adar could address this; a face shield could be cheaper and easier. Pumping fresh air? How is this powered? Is there an expansion pack for air compression? That could address the last concern I have about the behemoth of a helmet: sweat!