Where on (Google) Earth? #105

Where on (Google) Earth is a roving internet game played for the past year+ by the geoblogsphere. In this game, a snapshot of somewhere on the planet is taken using Google Earth (a free downloadable program). The object is to identify the location with latitude and longitude and try to say something* about the geology or geography of the area. The first one to post the correct results (at least in terms of location) is the winner and gets the honor of choosing the location and hosting the next round.

After watching many rounds go by and not having time to do much playing, BGC posted the perfect image for me - the Olympic Peninsula in Washington state. Oddly enough, the pattern of clear cuts was a vital clue for me.

So without further ado:(You may want to click on the photo to see what the ad is hiding.)

Some hints for new players: Two helpful things to note are the scale bar and the compass orientation. More hints will be given if this lasts long, but I suspect it won't.

The Schott Rule is in effect. (If you don't know what it is, it doesn't apply. Basically it handicaps players with a lot of wins.) Post time is 5:55 pm GMT 1/29/2008.

*Saying something about the geology is commensurate with skill level of the player and can often be helped by a quick Google search.


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Cool Game! Sure beats checkers and cards as the 20th century time fillers! I wonder if the 22nd century version will be, Where on (Google) Mars? LOL!
Dave Briggs :~)

I think I've got it! 80deg, 10min, 21sec N, 88deg, 45min, 16sec W.

Axel Heiberg Island, seventh largest island in Canada. According to Wikipedia, it is "known for its unusual fossil forests, which in some theories, date from the Eocene period. Owing to the lack of mineralization in many of the forest specimens, the traditional characterization of "fossilisation" fails for these forests and "mummification" may be a clearer description. It is clear that the Axel Heiberg forest was a semi-tropical swamp."

By thinkstart (not verified) on 29 Jan 2008 #permalink

Congratulations! You did indeed get it. An amazing thing about these fossil forests is that the trees are so well preserved that tree ring studies can be done on them. Another amazing thing is that when the forests were growing in Eocene (55-34 million years ago), Axel Heiberg was just as far north as it is today. So the Equator to pole temperature gradient was quite different then.

thinkstart: As the winner, you have the privilege of choosing the next location and hosting the next round. If you have a blog, please post the link to the next WOGE in the comments here so players can find it. If you don't have a blog, I'd be happy to host for you. Just send me an email with the picture or the lat-long. Once again, Congrats!

I don't have a blog, so I've taken ScienceWoman up on her offer to host WoGE #106, so stay posted here for that. As I'm a novice at this, I hope my choice provides a modicum of challenge to you WoGErs, and isn't redundant from previous offerings.

I don't know about you all, but this exercise makes we want to travel. Perhaps some enterprising (wealthy) soul will strike out some day to visit all WoGE sites. They certainly would make for some educational field trips!

Joshua Potter

By thinkstart (not verified) on 30 Jan 2008 #permalink

WOGE #106 will be appearing shortly, now that I've delivered today's lecture.