Thinking ahead

In 10 minutes, I will be done writing this post.

In 10 hours, I will have delivered my last lecture of the academic year.

In 10 days, my grades will be turned in.

In 10 weeks, I will have two more papers and at least one grant proposal submitted.

In 10 months, I will be 30.

In 10 years, I hope to have two healthy wonderful kids, a happy, stable marriage, and tenure.

What about you?

More like this

In 10 minutes, I will leave for campus.

In 10 hours, I will have completed one set of grading and submitted final grades.

In 10 days, I will be very close to my 36th birthday.

In 10 weeks, I will have returned from my summer in London.

In 10 months, I will be in the middle of my third year as an assistant professor.

In 10 years...I have absolutely no idea.

10 minutes - finished this comment then back to grading

10 hours - asleep

10 days - I will have survived most of my first month in new job

10 weeks - I hopefully will have two papers and one grant proposal submitted (or passed to colleagues for internal review)

10 months - I will be 29.5

10 years - who the crap knows dude! I hope for permanant positions for both Dr R and I (which is the UK equivalent of tenure), to get married, and to have a lot of fun in between!

What a nice break from grading that was!

And all this 'last class of the year thing makes me jealous - some of our courses run into July!

In 10 minutes - I will be working out greenhouse gas emission factors for agricultural processes

In 10 hours - I will be fast asleep

In 10 days - I will be getting my first tattoo with my husband on his birthday

In 10 weeks - I will know whether I can carry on with my PhD or not

In 10 months - I will be 29 and I hope in a new job

In 10 years - I will own a house with a garden

10 minutes - finished updating website info
10 hours - asleep
10 days - done with the last lecture of the term
10 weeks - hopefully have a draft written and sent out to co-authors... and pack for the holidays woohoo!
10 months - I will be 30 by then. How will that feel?
10 years - Mh. Ask that one again in a few years maybe. Permanent position? A house? (that'd be cool)

In 10 minutes - I hopefully will be concentrating on my work
In 10 hours - I will know if I am buying a house or not yet
In 10 days - my husband will be with me!
In 10 months - I have no idea... I guess that's why I'm so stressed out
In 10 years - I hope to live in the same city as my husband, both of us doing jobs we like, watching two healthy kids grow up

Thanks, nice and revealing idea!

In 10 minutes I will hopefully back to working on writing this exam
In 10 hours I should be sleeping (that would be 11:30 here)
In 10 days I will be grading exams and labs
In 10 weeks I should have at least one manuscript submitted for review
In 10 months I will be past my 38th birthday (and damn, you people are young!)
In 10 years my daughter will be 18 and a senior in high school!!

10 minutes - doing my expense report
10 hours - yes, probably asleep, hopefully more organized
10 days - I'll be back at work after a week+ off
10 weeks - hopefully I'll be doing some mapping
10 months - will be 56.5
10 years - maybe retired? maybe not?

In 10 minutes I hope to - have a fresh cup of coffee
In 10 hours I hope to - have all my seed mixes weighed and sorted
In 10 days I hope to - have my field plots laid out and seeded
In 10 Months I hope to - have the research data collected, analyzed, and mostly written up.
In 10 Years I hope to - be considered a professional scientist, and no longer speak about the future in terms of "what I want to do when I grow up"

10 minutes... who am I kidding, I'll still be reading blogs.
10 hours... birthday dinner?
10 days... I will have finished a draft and passed it off to my committe. I will! I will! I will!
10 months... new city, new job, new marriage
10 years... I hope to have had at least two totally unpredictable career changes

In 10 minutes I will continue the procrastination by reading another blog, convincing myself it truly is productive because the blogs are about science.
In 10 hours I'll be asleep.
In 10 days classes will be over and I'll be celebrating with my friends before heading back to the states.
In 10 weeks I'll be in over my head, working my little undergraduate self to the max, trying to impress my summer PI at X University Medical School.
In 10 months I will back at my home university in the same old routine.
In 10 years I hope to have graduated from an MSTP, maybe convince future wife/kids to move to another city/country, possibly beginning my own lab, and realizing I became who I wanted to become since I was 8 years old.

By Facetious Student (not verified) on 29 Apr 2008 #permalink

10 minutes..Finishing a report
10 hours....Dreaming
10 days.....On my way to FL for Gulf Coast Half Ironman.
10 weeks....Animal study in process, closer to product, 10 days away from Ironman
10 years....Not in this town doing this job, but still very active!

10 minutes: Putting away dinner.
10 hours: Grinding my teeth.
10 days: Traveling to my hometown to help my dad sell his fabulous hot dogs.
10 weeks: Backing up a good experimental idea with real experimental results. Impressing my supervisor!
10 months: Growing a baby.
10 years: Oozing happiness.

Great Idea!

10 minutes: grading....ugh!
10 hours: Out for a early morning walk with the dog
10 days: Classes and exams will be over and I will be in the field!
10 weeks: Have 2 reports done and starting field site #2
10 months: freezing .... I so do not want to think about winter right now!
10 years: happy, tenure, not sure what else yet.....

10 minutes: back with the SO, relaxing after evil Western blots from hell day at lab
10 hours: sleeping (I wish I could pretend I'd get up that early, but no)
10 days: I will have data on MAPK inhibitors and know whether this friggin virus works
10 weeks: I hope to know what exactly my thesis project is
10 months: I will be 25
10 years: running my own nonprofit biotech/pharma company studying malaria

10 minutes: finished with the stats I wanted to do tonight.
10 hours: leisurely walking to campus.
10 days: will have had my final committee meeting prior to my defense; done with more data analysis.
10 weeks: My 28th birthday!
10 months: Getting ready for my dissertation defense; hopefully have a postdoc lined up.
10 years: In love, happy, and continuing to be challenged by my -ology work, and still taking on too many side projects!

10 minutes: putting the finishing touches on another figure for my thesis.
10 hours: knitting a vest with my new favorite yarn.
10 days: having my third appointment with my eye "physical therapist", remarking on how much progress I've made and how many fewer headaches I'm having.
10 weeks: just landing in Boston to see two very old friends marry each other and getting used to my new title of Dr.
10 months: getting settled in from moving back to the US (yay!).
10 years: ripening nicely at 45, enjoying a satisfying career of public school teaching and working on my fixer-upper house.

10 minutes: Drinking tea and avoiding yoga;
10 hours: Probably heading home from work before choir;
10 days: Preparing to go to Washington;
10 weeks: At a conference in Davos, Switzerland (and burning through my start-up travel funds);
10 months: Midway through a semester of teaching a new course to honors first-year students;
10 years: Hopefully helping raise 2 kids, eating 75% off the grid, and happy. Oh, and tenured, maybe. If I put in a hope for an improvement in the global crisis on climate change, will it happen?

10 minutes: Putting on the suit
10 hours: Hopefully, celebrating a successful thesis defense
10 days: Preparing to go to Conference
10 weeks: Moving to another country to begin PhD program
10 months: Finding my way in a new world
10 years: Hopefully early on the tenure track, still married (to the same man), and finding a way not to live in a box while paying off student loans.

10 minutes: Removing my next cup of coffee from the espresso machine
10 hours: Finished the magazine article that I'm doing my best to postpone as we speak
10 days: On my way to Iceland
10 weeks: Testing my house building skills on the family summer house by the coast
10 years: Married, with or without kids, living in one of two possible European countries, still self-employed but with a lot more self-discipline and experience

10 minutes: I will stop procrastinating and study for exams.
10 hours: Still studying
10 days: Graduating from college.
10 weeks: Will be in the process of moving across the country for a job.
10 months: Getting ready to move back across the country to go to med school
10 years: Married, hopefully finishing a fellowship, paying off student loans.

In 10 minutes, I will still be surfing the internet while waiting for my westerns to finish.

In 10 hours, I will be grinding my mentor into the ground during our weekly run (a constant source of amusement for me!).

In 10 days, I will still be working on these bloody westerns ... gggrrrr.

In 10 weeks, I will probably be repeating aforementioned westerns ... GGGRRRR.

In 10 months, I will turn 38 and be a couple of months into my first year as an assistant professor (eeeeek).

In 10 years, I hope to have tenure, a lot more time for various adventures, a significant other who can put up with me and world peace ... sorry, I thought I was in the Miss America pageant for a second :)

In 10 minutes, I will be done with my seminar slides.

In 10 hours, I will be baking cookies.

In 10 days, I will be done with my all of my qualifiers!

In 10 weeks, I will be back in lab after a week vacation to visit my family.

In 10 months, I will be done with my class requirements and officially a PhD candidate.

In 10 years, I hope to have a fulfilling job, live closer to family, and still be married to my wonderful husband.

In 10 minutes...sitting in a department meeting for "assessment day" activities

In 10 hours...checking in on my sweet sleeping 11-month-old

In 10 days...finished teaching labs for the semester, but will have 1 week of lectures remaining

In 10 weeks...playing in the park, walking the dog, gardening, throwing pots, and, oh yeah, writing a big paper for my tenure portfolio

In 10 months...tenure package will be submitted (!)

In 10 years...hopefully happily married, parenting, and tenured...either where I am or at an institution closer to "home"

In 10 minutes - walking to Anne's Kitchen Table for a fantabulous Roma sandwich.
In 10 hours - being woken up by Mr. Zuska who is saying "you're snoring again!"
In 10 days - at the Morris Arboretum annual plant sale. Yay!
In 10 weeks - halfway through my "yoga at the arboretum" class.
In 10 months - I'll be closer to 50 than 40.
In 10 years - I really really really really hope I'll be working again.

In 10 minutes... submitting another exercise for the Teaching Intro Geoscience workshop. (Why did I procrastinate?)
In 10 hours... probably being awakened to deal with some kind of nightmare.
In 10 days... analyzing microprobe data, and trying to work on a long-procrastinated paper
In 10 weeks... heading to the teaching intro geoscience workshop, I think?
In 10 months... on part-time status, to deal with the afterschool care for a kindergartener
In 10 years... wondering where the last ten years went

In 10 minutes, I will be checking on my beloved rattici.

In 10 hours, I will still be enthusiastically chatting about the film showing of This American Life with my husband.

In 10 days, my lab will be in a state of transition and most of my roses should be in the ground.

In 10 weeks, I will have just survived my first two months as a "suit" in academia.

In 10 months, I will be 31, full of ideas and dreams.

In 10 years, I hope to have two healthy wonderful kids, a happy, stable marriage, and a yard/garden worthy of endless enjoyment.