I'm off too...

Midwest (from Google Earth)

The Science family is somewhere near here...where the hills are steeper, the rocks are flatter, the green is bluer, and the weather is a good 15 degrees F cooler than Mystery City.

Our trip so far has been a bit rocky...It took us 31 hours to accomplish what should have been 8 hours door to door. Let's just say that I've been left rather unimpressed by Chicago's weather, air traffic control, and a certain airline. But at least I didn't have to deal with any currency exchanges...

Posting is going to be sporadic for the next few weeks, as my internet access and time without a clingy, displaced toddler will be somewhat limited.

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Enjoy your time away, especially with Minnow. Just remember, never fly through Chicago during the summer. . .or the winter, either.