Donors Choose: The home stretch, and Scienceblogs chips in!

i-f875c0b07d9b3cb6229668554781b35a-alice.jpgThis is it, folks - we're coming round into the home stretch of DonorsChoose, with one week left in October. And there is some great news - ScienceBlogs has decided to donate FIFTEEN THOUSAND DOLLARS to Donors Choose, distributed among the bloggers who are participating! I'm still checking about whether this is participating *blogs* or *bloggers* -- if the latter, that means Sciencewomen will have $1430 to distribute among our projects, woo hoo! So we want your help on deciding how to distribute the funds.

Update at 11:34 am: Sb says $715 per blog, not blogger. However, we can still make a dent in some of these projects!

In this instance, we're taking a page from Janet over at Adventures in Ethics and Science. Donations of at least $5 to projects on our list will serve as votes for where we should distribute our share of the Sb donation. The project that gets the most vote-donations we will try to fund fully out of the Sb pot, and use any remainder to fully fund the project with the second most vote-donations. If, through the sheer number of donations, the number one project gets fully funded, then yay! And we'll move on to the second most popular project.

If you'd care to, let us (and other readers) know your philosophy to donating in the comments. Maybe you're donating to close out a project's needs. Maybe you're donating to help as many kids as possible. Maybe a particular project speaks to you. We'd love to know why you're casting your support the way you are.

We've added some new projects to our list, and we're still hoping for reader donations reaching $2000 by Friday. Remember our other incentives. And pat yourselves on the backs, 'cause Sciencewomen readers have constituted the second highest number of donors per list so far.

Thank you thank you thank you. You've helped 315 students so far, and I bet they thank you too.

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