Recommendations for crafting your online presence as your real life changes

i-9dc84d4d9156dccb30d5f62466b4219a-swblocks.jpgThanks so much to Propter Doc for helping me moderate the Transitions session at ScienceOnline09. Our goal for the session was to draft a list of "best practices" for handling your online presence as you move through personal and professional transitions in the off-line world. Thanks to all the participants in the session for offering up their advice, stories, and wisdom and helping us come up with just such a list. Propter Doc has now got the complete list posted on Lecturer Notes, but I'll offer up a few highlights here.

  • Be ready with an argument to support your blog (why it benefits you to blog, for example many bloggers report that their professional writing is improved by blogging)...
  • Think beyond blogs (online presence w/o blogs) (How your online persona is constructed and enhanced through the range of social media and available websites)...
  • Know your workplace policies - help create them (one of the overwhelming messages was to find out your workplace policy on what would be acceptable for a blogger, and follow it. If such a policy does not exist, be proactive and help create one. The message was clearly that being proactive and controlling the story about your blog to your superiors was the best thing to do)

For the complete list of "best practices" and slides from the session, check out Propter Doc's post.

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This is great, I especially like your comment on "knowing your workplace policies" and on being proactive about ensuring that you "do no harm." I am an independent career counselor and have worked a lot with engineering students and recent graduates. Your advice is on the money.

I am currently working on a presentation on "Using Social Media with Intention." I'll be presenting at both the University of Pennsylvania and the Career Management Alliance conference. May I have your permission to share your suggestions?

Keep up the good work,
Chandlee Bryan

This is great, I especially like your comment on "knowing your workplace policies" and on being proactive about ensuring that you "do no harm." I am an independent career counselor and have worked a lot with engineering students and recent graduates. Your advice is on the money.

I am currently working on a presentation on "Using Social Media with Intention." I'll be presenting at both the University of Pennsylvania and the Career Management Alliance conference. May I have your permission to share your suggestions?

Keep up the good work,
Chandlee Bryan