Book giveaway: Hollywood Science



Today's free book is "Hollywood Science: Movies, Science, and the End of the World" by Sydney Perkowitz. (If you click over the Amazon page linked above, you'll see a review by scibling Brian Switek of Laelaps.)

Remember: To claim the book, be the first commenter to earnestly affirm that you will read and review the book in less than 6 months. Then send me your snail mail address via my science (dot) woman account on google's mail service.

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I do so earnestly affirm that I will read and review said book.

By Female Enginee… (not verified) on 02 Apr 2009 #permalink

Thanks for the link! Hopefully the book will go to someone who will enjoy it more than I did!

I am an Film, Video, and Media Studies Major here at Western Michigan University and I love reading books about movies. Also Sci-Fi movies are my favorite so I would most definitely read this book and provide a review for you.

Female Engineering Professor has successfully claimed the book. We'll look forward to the review.

i'm interested in any comparison/contrast with the book Insultingly Stupid Movie Physics, which i found mildly disappointing

the book was swag at the 2008 NC Science Bloggers conference. I found it interesting but very uneven. I'm looking forward to reading what others think