Help a graduate student, take some time for a survey

Can you spare 50 minutes to help out a graduate student desperate for research participants? If so, please read below:

Dear all,

Within the context of my PhD project at Philips Research and Eindhoven University of Technology, I am developing a questionnaire that will help me to look at the relation between multimedia and feelings about the content. I would like to invite you to help me in validating this questionnaire.

The goal of this questionnaire is to gain further insight in the relation between multimedia and feelings, mostly with regard to how your feelings about the shown multimedia is determined by the content itself.

The test will take about 50 minutes. If you want to participate, please pick a time where it is unlikely that you will be disturbed by incoming email, people or phonecalls. You will be asked to register first before moving on to the test. Please write down your user name and password, you will need them again later on in the test because of the online tool we use. Before you start, make sure your sound is turned on and your browser is maximized!

You can find the questionnaire at:

Thank you very much for your participation in my research, I really appreciate your help!

Sincere regards,

Nele Van den Ende

PS: questions and remark can be sent to nele.van.den.ende(@)

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I tried filling this out. However, it seems that the sound for all the movie clips stays on for the entire time after the first practice set. It was so unpleasant that I had to stop. Please address this, and I will try again. Good luck with your research!


I'm sincerely sorry about that, the videoplayer we have only works well for Firefox and Internet Explorer. Our programmer is on vacation, and I'm not able to fix this myself.

Nele Van den Ende

I just finished. I was a bit confused with some of the questions. For instance, the "Did I forget where I was?" question: Did it mean where I was timewise in the video segment or did it mean where I was in reality?