Flickr finds

i-f875c0b07d9b3cb6229668554781b35a-alice.jpgMmmm...wasn't a 3-day weekend marvelous? (Except for those of you at institutions which don't observe Labor Day, or choose to observe it by having ununionized people labor). We did all manner of fun things including canning tomatoes, dropping by a music festival, and weeding. :-) Of course, now it's back to the grindstone, and my head is full of work-related "to-dos" so I thought I would write this in lieu of a for-realz post.

Recently in my travels on the internet, I came across two Flickr sets I thought it would be fun to share with you - but beware the procrastination monster.

First site: Looking into the Past, by Jason Powell

Second site: the Transparent Screens Flickr pool.

Aren't they mesmerizing? Don't say I didn't warn you... and file this under "Things I'd rather be doing than prepping for my class tomorrow..."

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