Pro-Test March this Saturday

Pro-Test, Oxford's pro-animal research organization, will be holding its third major public demonstration this Saturday, 9 February:

09.02.08: Pro-test marching on two year anniversary

On Saturday 9th February 2008 Pro-Test will march for a third time in support of animal research. We march to:

  • Defend - the rights of researchers to work in peace
  • Celebrate - the successes of animal research in developing treatments for disease
  • Communicate - a better understanding about animal research to non-scientists everywhere

The rally will begin at 12 noon, Broad Street Oxford, with speeches made at Broad Street, The Biomedical Facility, and Broad Street for a second time.

Come and stand up against the harassment of students and scientists in Oxford and beyond. Come and stand up for life-saving research. Come and stand up for medical progress. We hope to see you all there. We hope to see all your friends, family, fellow students and work colleagues there. Most of you will likely have taken drugs which have been developed through animal research - ALL of you will have friends or family who have received treatments made possible through animal research.

Pro-Test was organized in early 2006 in order to counter the marked active animal rights extremism that Oxford had been experiencing. It met quite a bit of success, drawing hundreds of supporters to its first two rallies. It was an excellent example of scientific activism in action, and it allowed those who supported animal research--scientists and non-scientists alike--to stand up against the marginal but vocal forces of animal rights extremism. So, if you'll be in the area this weekend, come out to support an excellent cause.

Click here for more on Pro-Test and here for more on animal rights.

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Excellent, I may have to make the trip to Oxford for that.