An Update from The Scientific Activist

As I indicated earlier this summer, the blogging would continue to be a bit slow as I entered the home stretch of grad school. Since then, I'm happy to report that I have submitted my thesis, successfully defended it, resubmitted a corrected version, and had my final thesis accepted. Within the next few weeks, I should receive a letter from Oxford officially conferring my D.Phil. (Oxford's equivalent of the Ph.D.) in biochemistry, and I'll head back to Oxford with my family in late October for graduation. Then, in November, I'll start a postdoc at the NIH.

So, I anticipate that the blogging will remain slow for the next couple of months, as I won't be settled in to my new job and new apartment until sometime in November. In the meantime, I'll be bouncing around from place to place; I'm currently visiting my girlfriend in LA, but later this week I'll head back to Texas before flying to DC to try to secure housing for myself. I appreciate your patience during this transition, and I'm looking forward to getting back in the swing of things before too long.

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