Successful Science Writing

On Confessions of a Science Librarian, John Dupuis considers the keys to writing a successful science book, such as The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks. Most important, says John, is crossover appeal: "normally picky reviewers loved TILoHL because it's more than 'just' a science book. They saw it as a book that's also about people and society and ethics." John has a list of specific strategies to make a book appeal to a broader audience. Meanwhile, Chad Orzel offers insight into the writing process behind the sequel to How to Teach Physics to Your Dog, a popular science book from 2009 which was recently released in paperback. The sequel focuses on relativity instead of physics, but wisely, retains the talking mutt. Chad shares the morphing outline of his new book on Uncertain Principles.

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On Confessions of a Science Librarian, John Dupuis considers the keys to writing a successful science book, such as The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks. Most important, says John, is crossover appeal: "normally picky reviewers loved TILoHL because it's more than 'just' a science book

By dini sohbet (not verified) on 11 Apr 2011 #permalink

The best key to write a science book is to have a good background both at school and life.
If you just write down like the other science books are written, your work would only be a crap.
Nowaday readers are looking for examples that "catches" them!