New Books & eBook Pricing

On EvolutionBlog, Jason Rosenhouse says his new book Among the Creationists: Dispatches From the Anti-Evolutionist Frontline is now available with turnable pages and a hardcover binding. Rosenhouse calls the book "a collection of stories and anecdotes from my experiences attending creationist conferences over the last ten years" as well as an exploration of religious and scientific viewpoints. Electronic versions of the book were released in February. On Uncertain Principles, author Chad Orzel reflects on the anti-trust suit filed by the US Department of Justice against major ebook publishers and Apple. Orzel writes "having been through the writing and editing process twice now, I find a lot of the arguments that publishers don't actually provide anything of value to be somewhere between disingenuous and insulting." Commenter SM says "the expensive thing in a novel is labour, not paper, and until you send it to the printer an ebook requires just as much labour as a hardcover." How much should a well written, edited, and formatted ebook cost? And can we check them out at the library?

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