Quick tidbits

* Baby Jane is walking. I'm thrilled. And panicking. Luckily, she's still slow, but given how fast she can crawl....well, let's just say I fear for my future.

* I'm working on Part 3 in the series Is Computer Science a Science? (parts 1, 1a, and 2 here). Part 3 will cover computer science's relationship to engineering. At the very least, it will serve as a welcome break from my bitching and moaning about the state of children's clothing.

* Also brewing in the "future posts" category: reflections on my first year of motherhood and the school year, and the whole adjustment to the working mom thing.

* The May edition of the Scientiae carnival is up, and it's fab-u-lous! Flicka Mawa at A Cat Nap did a fantabulous job. Go check it out. Come on, you know you weren't going to finish that pile of grading anyway....

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