Politics Tuesday: An Exciting Day for Democracy

Posted by Jack Sterne, jack@oceanchampions.org

The last month has seen enormous turnout in primaries and caucuses around the country, and today's Super Tuesday vote promises to be no different. Here's a prediction of a 40% turnout in one Missouri district. This is phenomenal for a primary election. There are general elections in this country that don't see that kind of turnout.

We saw similar high turnout in Iowa, New Hampshire, Nevada and South Carolina. I cannot remember a primary election that produced more voter and media interest. TV execs aren't even worried about the writer's strike anymore, as their ratings on political coverage are through the roof.

It's unfortunate that it took eight years of corruption and incompetence to get us to this point, but it does give me hope that the American people haven't completely fallen asleep at the switch and that democracy isn't completely dead.

Anyway, if you're in a Super Tuesday state, make sure you vote or caucus. Elections do matter.

And if your primary or caucus happens after Super Tuesday, the same still applies, since at least the Democratic nomination is not likely to be decided today. Plus, for those of you in Rep. Wayne Gilchrest's (R-Md.) district, you have a primary one week from today, and a great opportunity to send an Ocean Champion back to Congress.

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