Pleistocene Dreams

orion.pngIn this month's issue of Orion Magazine, I wrote a brief piece on the idea of bringing back North America's charismatic megafauna, and its potential benefits to society along with the challenges involved. Click here to read the article.


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The phrase "creating landscapes of fear" should probably be excluded from public arguments in favour of this plan.

That being said, the idea is a very neat one.

landscape of fear: in thise case, i was referring to landscapes of fear with respect to wolf food - ungulates. not human landscapes of fear, which is actually a much more rich and interesting topic. The anthropologist Paul Shepard writes a length how predators likely shaped much of the human condition via those landscapes of fear.

By Josh Donlan (not verified) on 26 Jun 2008 #permalink

Nice piece Josh. No doubt my kids would be enthralled. I liked the Vermeij quote at the end.

By Peter Nelson (not verified) on 27 Jun 2008 #permalink

A perspective that needs to be reinforced at every opportunity. Thanks for keeping it (and us) current.

Thank you for this.

By Hank Roberts (not verified) on 06 Jul 2008 #permalink

Excelletn article Josh - I've had a couple of blog posts of my own on your ideas (and Zimov's work) lined up for months now that I never quite get round to finishing up.

Anyway - I've seen a few articles outlining the general idea for north america and initial suggetsions of appropriate surrogates - can we expect to see more detailed proposals soon? Or are they already out there and I've missed them?