More Pleistocene Dreams

search.pngIn this month's issue of Search Magazine (formally Science and Spirit), Chris Hallman writes about Pleistocene Rewilding and talks to conservation luminaries Michael Soule, Paul Martin, and Dave Forman. Hallman concludes that sometimes even science needs to take a leap of faith. Soule elegantly agrees by adding, "We're damned if we do, and damned if we don't...I'd rather be damned for careful doing than for doing nothing."


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"What is required now is a project as audacious as Noahs. But we need a bigger boat."
That might be my favourite use yet of that particular jaws quote - I really liked this article, reasoned and passionate at the same time.

Thanks for bringing that to our attention. I remain mightily impressed.
It'd be interesting to repeat the survey from a few months ago and see if the article's enlightening perspective can effectively erode the entrenched resistance to this kind of change.