I love this*:
To the left, next to "Paediatrics," I'd add, "Hates adults and children and self" > "Med-Peds."
*Courtesy of the British Medical Journal.
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Also need Hates males -> OB/Gyn and maybe Hates females -> Urology.
Maybe too: Is an asshole -> Proctology ;-)
My result was paediatrics...
BTW, I published the first issue of Gene Genie, a blog carnival on genes and gene related diseases, in case you're interested.
Good to see you here!
Hmm - dunno if I agree, I was more thinking along the lines that
Hates adults and children and self = family therapy
Hates Everyone - that'd be a category I'd add.
When it came time to make my choices, I chose technology over medicine. But I'm lazy like that.
It worked perfectly for me. I'm Emergency Medicine. :-)
Hmm...according to this I should have been an opthalmologist. WRONG
My result was psychiatry.
It works!
I suppose that Nephrology is included in medicine. So it also worked for me.
I have to disagree with this. I could never get to ob-gyn ('cause it's not in there). I think it should be somewhere under crazy. ;)
For the record, a friend of mine is in psychiatry, and he's actually the sanest of our group of friends. I think the overal sanity level of psychiatrists is just a well camoflauged secret. They have to keep it secret. It's written in the Sanity Claus... (sorry!)
OH-MY-GOD!!!!! This explains a lot of the things that I see at work. Thank you for putting on your blog.
Hmm - dunno if I agree, I was more thinking along the lines that
Hates adults and children and self = family therapy
Hrdy proposed that, if a primate father is never truly certain that a child is his, concealed ovulation reduces the likelihood of infanticide by males--a male might be killing a competitor's child...or he may be killing his own. Obviously infanticide is an evolutionary problem for females, so this could be a very effective way of combating the difficulty. By the same token, it'd make evolutionary sense for males to develop ways of 'seeing through' this deception in what sounds like a co-evolutionary arms race.
Ust siralara gelmek icin ugrasmaktayiz elimizden gelen bu baska bisey yapamamaktayız bunu ister inanin ister inanmayin siz iyi olun bakalim herkes artik kendisini dusunmekte o yuzden boyle olmakta tabiki bakalim
But I'm lazy like that.
a blog carnival on genes and gene related diseases
I think the overal sanity level of psychiatrists is just a well camoflauged secret
So it also worked for me