Writing intermittently

Oh, readers. Is there anything I can say that will appease you?

Thank you for the inquiries, the orders, and the pleading tones. I swear, I'm alive; medicine is still interesting and worth writing about; and although Scienceblogs.com may eventually lose patience with the intermittent nature of my writing, I haven't yet lost interest in writing intermittently.

Soon, I'll tell you about the things that have happened since November. (November! I'm going to blogger hell.) I'll tell you about running codes by myself; about coming as close as I've ever come to saving someone's life; about the thrill of contemplating a specialty. I might even publish a picture of something delicious.

It might be next week. It might be next year. Who can predict these sorts of things?

I hope you are all well and--in the northern hemisphere, anyway--enjoying the anticipation of spring. More as it comes.

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A sighting! Miss you.

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