Whipping up hype

It's been an exciting week here at Signout. Now that I am back from my unannounced sabblogtical (yeah, I made that up), I've tended to some much-needed housekeeping. To wit, the blogroll has been pruned of defunct and outdated links. Now you may futz around all up in the sidebar without fear. Futz, I say!

Speaking of, and not to nag or anything, I kind of wish you'd give a little more click to the DonorsChoose link I posted last week. Every single visitor to that site can raise up to 10 bucks by voting for each of the 10 video profiles listed. With two minutes and a little back-button savvy, you can get Pfizer to buy a classroom a book, or a pencil, or an electric wheelchair, or any number of other things. Please consider checking it out. (And no, you don't need to actually watch the videos, nor sign up for anything, anywhere, to participate. This is so easy, people.)

Also, I've added one particular blogger of note to the blogroll: PalMD, over at the ScienceBlog denialism blog. He's a real live internist--not nearly as much of a schmuck as I am--who writes beautifully and without a single shrill note about a whole variety of issues related to health care and the practice of medicine. He also writes with far more regularity than I ever did. If you've ever sort of liked anything I've written, you'll love him. Go now!

While I'm whipping up hype, watch this space for information about the ScienceBlogs one-millionth-comment hooha. I can reveal nothing, but can tell you that it will make you want to comment early and often, and it will make me want to be your friend.

Oh! And go read Change of Shift.

Real content coming soon. Meanwhile, I am going to spend a few hours pondering the startling unlikeability of the entire cast of this season's Project Runway, after which I plan to scoop out my tympanic membranes with a melon baller to keep Kenley's voice from echoing in my head all night.


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It's October 1st (well it was yesterday, anyway), and I'm pretty excited, because this means it's the start of another DonorsChoose challenge. For those of you who weren't around at this time last year, DonorsChoose is an organization that pairs up your ka$hmoney with educational projects in public…
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Happy Friday, Signout! Need anything from the MN State Fair? Let me know by 5 today! Or maybe 4:45...

without a single shrill note

You got a problem with shrill?

I plan to scoop out my tympanic membranes with a melon baller to keep Kenley's voice from echoing in my head all night.

I grew up in a family totally fucking full of loud, shrieking, annoying people. Kenley's voice sounds totally unremarkable to me.

You got a problem with shrill?

Not as long as it's feminist shrill. Other kinds of shrill, I have low tolerance for.

I grew up in a family totally fucking full of loud, shrieking, annoying people.


Need anything from the MN State Fair?

The corn pen lives! By which I mean, I'm all set, thanks.

Huh - I think Kenley has such a Betty Page vibe, at least in appearance, that I am not really even aware of her voice. The look is probably a complete coincidence on her part, right? The rest of the cast, though, are for sure annoying. Except maybe Korto. I do like Korto. :)

PS - SO glad you are back! I was beginning to feel like a stalker, popping by obsessively often to see what, if anything, was new with you. Looking forward to future posts.

By Ctenotrish, FCD (not verified) on 22 Aug 2008 #permalink

The rest of the cast, though, are for sure annoying.

I find them all too boring to even be annoying. The only designer I like is Leathuh! I'm rooting for her to win.

Ctenotrish, it's not stalking if I don't find you on my front steps. If I gave out prizes for being a Signout Superfan, you'd get the first one.

Even if you do tolerate Kenley. *shudder*

I think people differ greatly on this issue. For example, if it were completely unidentifiable as my own, I would have no problem with a picture of my naked ass being posted on the Internet. Others would be absolutely horrified by the prospect.