The Astrologer's Triumph (Synopsis)

When you think of astrology today, you probably think of someone who makes false promises and proclaims either platitudes or fabrications as though they were preordained truths. But for many millennia dating to just a few centuries ago, astrology was anything but. In fact, by many metrics, it was the very beginning of what has grown into the enterprise of science.

House of Wisdome. Maqamat of al-Hariri Illustration by Yahyá al-Wasiti, 1237 (Wikimedia commons) House of Wisdome. Maqamat of al-Hariri Illustration by Yahyá al-Wasiti, 1237 (Wikimedia commons)

Our initial thoughts on the idea that what happens in the heavens affects what happens on Earth may have been flawed, but as it turns out the simple idea of observing the Universe -- and observing the Universe beyond our own world -- has been able to teach us more than the ancients would have ever dreamed!

Image credit: Tunç Tezel. Image credit: Tunç Tezel.

James Bullock has the remarkable and surprising story on a legacy you may never have expected!

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