Big Gav

The NYT profiles Gavin Schmidt: Dr. Schmidt's demeanor melds the subtle elegance of an Oxford-educated Englishman (which he is) with the savvy of a street-smart New Yorker... ah how true (though there is more of the blood-lust of the NY lawyer in his question style at conferences). Thanks to PT for the tip.

[Update; I'm too sexy for my model says Gristmill on the same story (via CB on RC)]


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I like it the attempt: the scientists are sooooo sexxy and the septics are dissheveled wankers with greasy hair.

Not sure it works for me, though...


[Gavin just ooooozes sex: I think its the close-cropped / bald head :-) -W]

You might want to clarify that last statement...It could be misinterpreted!

[Oops yes. Consider it clarified! -W]

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