Bold Sir Rylas...

i-cba1b48324b6237c231f972f7c2be086-DSCN7044-spiers-boden.JPG With a title like that it has to be about folk music, and indeed it is. My last music recommendation was a year ago and somewhat more highbrow. But folk is good too. You can listen to BSR here, which is from the site of official Spiers and Boden website. We first heard them at the Cambridge folk festival, where they were wonderful, the best of their year. I tried to find the words to BSR, and ended up with some sort of historio stuff but wasn't what I wanted. Ah, now I look closer the words are here.

I also recommend The Rambling Sailor, from Through and Through, which is probably what they are playing in the pic, though it was better live - the stomps on the footboard came through.


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