Cold weather deaths...

From the Grauniad: Cold weather's 25,000 deaths toll is scandal, say charities - so bring on global warming, they said. Except, of course, they didn't. The article doesn't even mention global warming. But if people die in heatwaves its all rather different.

From the same edition:
Figures reveal Europe falling far short of climate targets
- so it looks like we're going to find out.

More like this

It is the change as much as anything. The worst episode of cold weather deaths I have ever read about was when it fell to the 40s (that's ~8 C in the civilised world) in Bangladesh.

... so bring on global warming, they said. Except, of course, they didn't.

No need. Optimists think the most we can do is to limit it to 1 or 2 degrees C by 2100. Pessimists see 3, 5, or even more.

You're so brave, William. And you know I am the only one in the world who appreciates it and who has truly human understanding for your situation. It must be tough to find yourself in the middle of a religious sect, being the only one who realizes that it is entirely corrupt. Except for Claude Allegre who has just defected from your church, too.

[… is better - W]

Fortunately, I came to save you, without kidding. You can write an article "How did I figure out that global warming was the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the British people" for The Reference Frame and I will guarantee a protection of you against the fundamentalists. ;-)

Also, it was predictable that as soon as you write your heresy that global warming is only mentioned when it helps the cause of al-Gore, there will be a fellow believer of you, such as Kofi Annan's brother, who will come to officially warn you. Don't forget that heretics are even worse than regular septics! ;-)

Alternatively, you may remain a member of your sect. In that case, you are recommended to write another article explaining that you have understood that the frozen people were also frozen because of the global warming - because global warming causes not only heatwaves but also freezing people, tooth decay, and divergences in quantum gravity.

Dear William,

this is not much about the particular mountain. People can sometimes have irrational reasons to finally reach scientific conclusions - although I am sure that Kilimanjaro's glaciers are misinterpreted by the media because the retreat is a result of drought. But even if he had errors in his short article: his conclusions are more important. As another famous colleague of yours wrote in the Telegraph today, global warming isn't a real threat but trillions of dollars are at stake.…

All the best

[If L really believes that " The temperature is as likely to go down as up" he would be prepared to put money on it, but he won't. "warming alarm is based on models that overestimate the observed warming by a factor of three or more, and have to cancel most of the warming in order to match observations" is simply bizarre - L keeps repeating this, no matter how often its pointed out that the models actualy repreoduce obs chnage pretty well (which makes his last para fairly ironic) -W]

It must be tough to find yourself in the middle of a religious sect, being the only one who realizes that it is entirely corrupt. Except for Claude Allegre who has just defected from your church, too.

I know I'm reading parrotted propaganda when I see argumentation about climate science bias using religion, sect, robes, belief, church, etc.

We know that we can ignore Lubos because he is a parrot. Why don't we? Because he has a name? Who cares.

Brawwwk! Saltines!



"It must be tough to find yourself in the middle of a religious sect"

Not as tough as pretending that you're not.

By Chris O'Neill (not verified) on 30 Oct 2006 #permalink