Another Guest column, this time in Scitizen

I have an "opinion piece" in Scitizen. Its called... "Lack of Errors in the IPCC Statement for Policymakers"... :-)

More like this

Since the release earlier this month of the new IPCC Summary for Policymakers (PDF), I have been watching closely to see if the document sparks any prominent quarrels between scientists over the relationship between hurricanes and global warming. Frankly, I thought the IPCC's claim that global…
Via a wiki edit (which I rather unkindly sabotaged, though I doubt my version lasts for long) I discover the grandly named "Summary for Policymakers of the Report of the Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change''. DeSmog reports that its thick on the ground at the septic extravaganza.…
The Australian renews its war on science by printing an opinion piece by Richard Lindzen. Arthur Smith comments: From his latest piece one can only conclude that either Lindzen has descended into the epistemic closure of paranoia and conspiracy theories that has become far too prevalent among some…
I only wrote my last post on the Australian's War on Science a couple of days ago and already there's more attacks on science from them. First we have this news article: Professor Henderson said yesterday the report by the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, handed down on February 2,…

Since the former also seem devoted to allowing Shrub run out the Irak sequence all the way through the end of his phrase, the massive shortfall thus created even bigger will be a long-term reason to do nothing about almost everything.

Dear William,
Czech Prez has another turn-around in US, but I guess You are bored to comment on this. Lubos did it for You ;-)
Just an interesting observation:

There is very high correlation between per capita CO2 emmisions and global warming skepticism (or denialism?). Isn't it strange?? :-)

And certain unfortunate cardiovascular health statistics, IIRC.

By Steve Bloom (not verified) on 20 Mar 2007 #permalink

I think that Roger Pielke Jr. may choose to differ. He's become our press favorite on environmental alarmism. By the way, Mr. Rabett has a wrapup of Roger's consistent need to provide talking points to the right-wing.

I'm sure that Roger and friends will be making sure that none of it sullies his wiki entry.

well RPJr's appeasement and faux-cautionary-tale to right-wingers certainly will help his book sales, if you look at the sales records of Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly, Ann Coulter and the like. And perhaps he'll be a good influence as I'm sure the Republicans will be "honest brokers" when it comes to, say, foreign policy etc, hmmm?

By Carl Christensen (not verified) on 22 Mar 2007 #permalink

USA: "Honest, we're broker than we admitted, can't help you with this climate thing, sorry ...."

By Hank Roberts (not verified) on 22 Mar 2007 #permalink

Hank, I take that all too seriously given the extent to which the Dems have decided to co-opt the Repugs on the balanced budget front. Since the former also seem dedicated to letting Bush run out the Iraq string all the way through the end of his term, the giant deficit thus made even larger will be a long-term excuse to do nothing about all sorts of things.

By Steve Bloom (not verified) on 25 Mar 2007 #permalink