CarbonTracker is cute (though poss not as much as CarboTracker, which google suggested I might have meant. I wonder how long the explicit "What does CarbonTracker tell us? North America is a source of CO2 to the atmosphere. The natural uptake of CO2 that occurs mostly East of the Rocky Mountains removes only ~30% of the CO2 released by the use of fossil fuels" will stay so prominent.

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Very nice maps: take a look at "carbon weather", and then the annual average maps. Looks like there's a consistent 3ppm difference between NH and SH concentrations. The global average goes up, but the difference between hemispheres remains.

So here's the question: is this difference included in the current models, or is CO2 regarded as well-mixed around the globe? Is this an additional mechanism reinforcing NH warming wrt SH, or is 3ppm not big enough to make much difference?

[CO2 is regarded as well mixed; 3ppm is not a big diff anyway -W]