Weather by month

March was wet, it rained all the time; April was dry (2mm in Cambridgeshire, I think); May is very wet again (though we had a lovely afternoon in Ashridge for my mothers birthday). Will the pattern keep up?


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Well, if you believe the BBC website weather updates, it's currently lovely here in central London as opposed to sheet rain. Quite possibly the least accurate weather prediction in the history of mankind. I'd trust a bloke sniffing squirrels (or whatever country folk do), over the BBC. If they say June will be nice, it will inevitably piss it down.

Will the pattern keep up?

Of course not.

Next month your getting tornado's.

Very strange, I don't remember it raining hardly at all in March, and I walked to work in Bournemouth almost every day. But April was the craziest month ever, it was so hot I swam in the sea at least seven times, and before this year I'd never ventured in before June. By the end of the month the water actually felt warm, which was so scary it's nice to see it getting back to a good old incessant drizzle.

[I agree. April was so warm and pleasant it was scary -W]

By Jonathan Vause (not verified) on 15 May 2007 #permalink

Hmm... as I recall English weather

January brings the snow
Makes your feet and fingers glow
February's ice and sleet
Freeze the toes right off your feet
Welcome March with wintry wind
Would thou wer't not so unkind
April brings the sweet spring showers
On and on for hours and hours
Farmers fear unkindly May
Frost by night and hail by day
June just rains and never stops
Thirty days and spoils the crops
In July the sun is hot
Is it shining? No, it's not
August cold, and dank, and wet
Brings more rain than any yet
Bleak September's mist and mud
Is enough to chill the blood
Then October adds a gale
Wind and slush and rain and hail
Dark November brings the fog
Should not do it to a dog
Freezing wet December then:
Bloody January again!
(January brings the snow
Makes your feet and fingers glow).

(Flanders and Swann of course)

Eli -

Flanders and Swann were always a bit panglossian.

By Andrew Dodds (not verified) on 17 May 2007 #permalink