From The Onion, Hard To Tell If Wikipedia Entry On Dada Has Been Vandalized Or Not. Sadly the actual article is boringly factual (or it was; I've had a go at improving it but I doubt it will last. I like the way my version ends with an impassioned yes yes).
My first go didn't last long, but then the punctuation was distracting. I think its better with the punctuation removed entirely before the sort. But should the sort be case sensitive?
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Made me laugh out REALLY loud out in a public place (people turning heads)!
Once is ok, but that's getting dangerously close to vandalism.
Step away from the keyboard...
[I did. Your turn! -W]
The Onion article has been noted in the discussion:
[Yes indeed. Its a shame that it hasn't been, so far! -W]
Picked the Onion up at the airport and laughed through a bend fold spindle and mutilate flight segment. Still, I would not want to mess with the brave Wikipedia OTRS organization operators. . .
Odd, nobody has added you to the list of identified Dadaists, yet. Perhaps disemvoweling would help?