Satellite stupidity

As Atmoz noted, its a bit of a slow season, but via Deltoid comes probably the most stupid ever explanation for GW: yes, its the microwave radiation from satellites warming us up. This is blindingly obviously nonsense, but John Mashey provides some numbers if you're in any doubt.

Mind you, the basic lack of power isn't the sites only mistake, there's When a microwave transmission is sent to a receiving satellite dish the transmission is sent in a spherical direction or Earths atmosphere is made of water as well as many others. However, overall its just stupid rather than entertaining :-(

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It seems to me that denialist arguments are getting more shrill and absurd by the month. This one's a doozy.

By Nick Barnes (not verified) on 16 Jun 2008 #permalink

Desperation is the mother of invention.

This one's a case of gross stupidity; 144 times worse then ordinary stupidity (I know it's an old joke but old-hat seems apt).

By CobblyWorlds (not verified) on 17 Jun 2008 #permalink

Nick Barnes:

It seems to me that denialist arguments are getting more shrill and absurd by the month.

Interestingly, this is while the High Respectable Inactionosphere (as represented by Singer, Marohasy, Watts, etc.) have largely stopped pumping out new nonsense. Which brings me to my theory of climate triglossia...