Obama on Palin, and other random trash

Via dubious sources, I've just discovered thedailymash, and Obama defends 'creationist psycho bitch' remark in particular. Their take on the US housing crisis is good, too. There's even a bit aboutGW.

On a more techie note, I came in at the facebook article before my technical lead directed me to the Lib Dems political plans. But I found this all by myself. Sorry: I went to public school, you know.

Meanwhile, from cyrolist, it seems the UKMO is interested in ice shelves:

Polar Ice Sheet Modelling Scientist

Salary: GBP 25,500 + competitive benefits including Civil Service Pension.

Permanent post at the Met Office, Exeter, UK

Closing date for applications: 24 September 2008

A significant uncertainty in future projections of sea level is associated with dynamical changes in the Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets and a key aspect of this uncertainty is the role of ice shelves: how they might respond to climate change, and the effect this could have on the ice sheets. The purpose of the job is to incorporate a model of ice-shelves into the Hadley Centre climate model to develop a capability to make projections of rapid changes in ice sheets, thereby leading to improved scenarios of future sea-level rise.

There's a web advert with further details at


I'mnot sure I fully agree with them, though. Probably icesheet-shelf interaction is more fun. Maybe thats what they mean.

Place Warning Labels On Warning Signs.


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Democrats have a puzzle with a code name "Palin Problem". They have to solve it, and to do it effectively, because the prize is the White House.
Sarah is everywhere these days. No matter, if there are negative responses, rumors and resentments; or praises, support and encouragements. She filled media, and not only in America. Palinmania is spreading all over the world - everybody has their opinion on the new political celebrity of US.
The Palin avalanche is winning against Obama inundation. How should Democrats defeat her? Would it be better just keep their line of campaign and ignore populist idol of Republicans? Or should they put out their claws, oppose her and show her the real politics? http://www.votetheday.com/polls/to-defeat-palin-260/

The Palin avalanche is winning against Obama inundation.

You need to look at the latest polls, published today. Obama's narrowly ahead again, and more significantly, the enthusiasm among women voters for Palin has disappeared. The poll numbers for this group have gone back to just about where they were before the Republican convention.

The CNN "poll of polls" for instance has Obama up 47%-44%. CNN.com had a link to a decent summary of the latest two polls that came out today (yesterday?), which is where I got the information above, but can't find that link at the moment.

"Polar Ice Sheet Modelling Scientist"

You obviously can't keep away from this climate science lark so why don't you apply?


[:-) indeed. I would blog about work, but its confidential, sadly, so I can't. -W]