Ho ho

Inel notes that Monckton thinks he was misrepresented on Earth: The Ratings Wars. Which is most amusing: something at last that Monckton and I agree on: E:TRS is misleading (though we're talking about different progs in the series, of course). Or you can read TLstake on it instead.

He sez: I was interviewed for 90 minutes and all my views were backed up by sound scientific data, but this was all omitted. They made it sound as if these were just my personal views, as if I was some potty peer. It was caddish of them. The last bit is wonderful: clearly playing Bertie Wooster to the hilt; does he taken any of this seriously? Obviously no-one takes him seriously, but I thought he thought he was playing for real.

Oh, and since I'm here: go read Austin...where even the atheists worship on Sunday by Jules.

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It would make more sense if he claimed to have been misrepresented "on Earth", because he seems to be on another planet.

"These evil pseudo-scientists, through the falsity of their statistical manipulations, have already killed far more people through starvation than "global warming" will ever kill. They should now be indicted and should stand trial alongside Radovan Karadzic for nothing less than high crimes against humanity: for, in their callous disregard for the fatal consequences of their corrupt falsification of science, they are no less guilty of genocide than he."
From http://scienceandpublicpolicy.org/images/stories/papers/monckton/monckt…

By TrueSceptic (not verified) on 30 Sep 2008 #permalink

As usual Mr Monckton seems to have got a little mixed up.

I presume he was trying to say:
"I was interviewed for 90 minutes and all my views were backed up by scientific sounding data..."

By CobblyWorlds (not verified) on 03 Oct 2008 #permalink