You're sharpening stones, walking on coals / To improve your business acumen

REM, of course. Or perhaps more appropriately, Its the end of the world as we know it (and I feel fine). I won't elaborate on the I-feel-fine for the sake of not tempting fate, not that I'm superstitious mind you.

Where was I? Oh yes, commenting on CIPs vision of our government as competent. No prophet has honour in his own city, of course. I thought Broon was largely copying Buffett.

While I'm here, hat tip to Quark Soup for digging up this space oddity from Krugman. Nice to see that economists have a sense of humour, though his physics isn't so good and, though he hides it well, relativity is irrelevant.

The fish-eaters are still in trubble though; is the oil running out?


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Thanks for recommending the piece by Michael Tobis and thus to Andrew Weaver : I wouldnt otherwise have read it.

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