Barack Obama for President?

Says Seed. CIP said that a while ago, but less politely. I'd prefer Obama, but I don't have a vote. Looks like the money is on Obama: 1-9 on, whereas McCain is 5-1.

[Updates: Eli notes that Nature is endorsing Obama. C provides us with a wider choice of odds, and InTrade has him as a near-cert. But can you trust it?]


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Tom Adams wrote

"Mccain has consistently traded higher at Intrade than in other futures markets, due to the activities of a single "institutional" trader, a trader who is obviously not seeking out the cheapest trades by using all available markets:

I can confirm there was a 10% difference between betfair and intrade, I grabbed some (though a shame I had put too much in before the gap grew to 10%). The gap did briefly disappear but now when writing the difference is 11.1% to 11.6% on betfair compared to 16.6% to 16.9% on Intrade.

>"InTrade has him as a near-cert".

Is this a spot the deliberate error thing? Intrade has Obama at 84.7% while betfair has close to 89%. I find it surprising that the difference is so persistant rather than arbitrage eliminating the difference.

I don't know about the odds but the polls suggest a landslide.

Obama 353, McCain 185.

By TrueSceptic (not verified) on 03 Nov 2008 #permalink

Well done USA (we hope)!