

BTW, if you want a laugh, go to When you've stopped laughing (or despairing, if you thought her saveable) at her puffing twaddle, scroll down a fraction and read "Moderation note: this is a technical thread, comments will be moderated for relevance." Then read the first comment: "Thank you, thank you, Professor Curry, for another moment of truth. Propaganda artists have manipulated and used good citizens of the once "Free West" by the same bag of "political correct" consensus opinions that once openly controlled the other half of the globe. With kind regards, Oliver K. Manuel". So now we know what Curry considers relevant to science.

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My general feeling about Judith Curry's stuff over at Collide-a-scape was that it was all tolerably vague. But there was one specfic. Over there, she copied Bishop Hill and proposed "Jones 1998 and Osborn and Briffa 2006" as key neglected papers. More directly she has proposed: 1. The Spatial…
I was just thinking about Roger Pielke Jr. and Judith Curry, and the interesting situation they have found themselves in. The hole they dug and climbed into. The corner they've painted themselves into. The metaphor that mightily mired them. I'm talking about the situation they've created for…

Some people are saying that this whole thing is a hoax, to make the septics look even more stupid. I'm not sure this is actually possible.

Oliver Manuel is a great litmus test. He believes the sun is made of iron. Anyone who doesn't think he's a crank has no credibility.

By Nick Barnes (not verified) on 07 Aug 2011 #permalink

To get an idea of what the word "technical" means in this context, consider this portion of the Wikipedia article on the Ancient Egyptian concept of maat:

One aspect of ancient Egyptian funerary literature which often is mistaken for a codified ethic of Maat is Spell (Chapter) 125 of the Book of the Dead or Papyrus of Ani [...]. The lines of this spell are often collectively called the "Forty-Two Declarations of Purity" or the Negative Confessions. These declarations [...] appear to [] as a magical absolution -- misdeeds or mistakes made by the tomb owner in life could be declared as not having been done, and through the power of the written word, wipe that particular misdeed from the afterlife record of the deceased.

If this were true, then the word "technical" as used by Curry would seem to work similarly.

That is, "this is a technical thread" doesn't actually mean that the comments are supposed to be technical. What it means is that any comments approved by Curry can be considered to be 'blessed' by Curry as being technical -- and inactivists can thereafter refer to the thread as being a discussion of "technical" issues.

(OK, that was a mouthful. Is there a simpler way to phrase this for sane people?)

-- frank

Even Watts won't let Manuel comment at WUWT these days.

[Good grief, to be banned by Watts is to sink low. I hope one day Curry will wake up -W]

As you've said there is more than enough science already. Has climate science spawned or is it amplifying the scientific paper, pre publication roll-out? It is exciting for the casual observer. What difference does it make if this paper has anything correct about it or not?

[If correct and as Curry describes it, it would make a major difference; however since it is obvious twaddle there is no need to worry about the consequences of its being correct; and Curry is being irresponsible by writing as if it might be. As someone once wrote on the back of a dirty van near me "If you open your mind too wide they'll pour rubbish into it" -W]

By Paul Kelly (not verified) on 07 Aug 2011 #permalink

I'm convinced that Judith has turned into, in Tamino's words, "A Bag of Hammers". She has opened her mind so much that it has turned into mush.

By Rattus Norvegicus (not verified) on 07 Aug 2011 #permalink

"Good grief, to be banned by Watts is to sink low."

Not always. Personally, I'd get a t-shirt made ;)

Paul Kelly:

It is exciting for the casual observer. What difference does it make if this paper has anything correct about it or not?

Paul, I perfectly understand. It's fine for Curry to write bullshit, as long as it sounds "exciting".

-- frank

Speaking of people banned by Watts, I happened to breeze through Steve Goddard's place and noticed that he had put up a post all about the triple point of water ("Phase Diagram Quiz").

It doesn't seem to have been provoked by anything other than a desire by Goddard to remind the world of one of his two episodes of monumental stupidity. Perhaps he'll follow it up with one on CO2 snow.

Anyway, I'm not going to link to Goddard's blog, but here's what he says:

Iâve been dealing with alarmist chemistry flunkies since I started writing, so time to start educating them.

Assume equilibrium.

1. What is the vapor pressure of water at the surface of a lake at 0C?
2. What phases of water exist at the surface of a lake at 0C?
3. What is the vapor pressure of water at the surface of a lake at -20C?
4. What phases of water exist at the surface of a lake at -20C?
5. What is the vapor pressure of water at the surface of a lake at 20C?
6. What phases of water exist at the surface of a lake at 20C?
7. At what temperature do we find all three phases of water?

The answer to question 7, in GoddardWorld, is apparently "At 0C, which is the triple point of water."

Those are technical threads.
These are technicals:…

But what's that image at the top of the thread here?
I'm guessing either a trilobite or a fossilized footprint of an ancient astronaut.

[Trilobite is way out, as is fossil. I now appear to be the #6 google hit for the word, despite it having a perfectly respectable Spanish meaning -W]

I'm guessing an idol.

Kerry Emanuel says dismissal of Salby is premature. All blogs have commenters with crackpot theories. I have a crackpot theory or two. Eli has one too.

By Paul Kelly (not verified) on 10 Aug 2011 #permalink

Hank, you're right. It was Spencer, which is more surprising.

By Paul Kelly (not verified) on 10 Aug 2011 #permalink

Paul Kelly:

> All blogs have commenters with crackpot theories. I have a crackpot theory or two. Eli has one too.

There are well-grounded theories, there are speculative theories, and there's plain bullshit. You need to figure out which type it is you're getting excited over.

-- frank


He will always have a home at the Curry Shack

Well, I'm sure in her mind there's uncertainty as to whether or not he committed the crime he copped a plea to ...

Hank Roberts -- "Los arqueólogos interpretan que probablemente el Ãdolo asturiano representa a un guerrero"


The iron sun hypothesis explains both the lack of irony and prevalence of scientific anemia in Judith's camp.

@Rattus #24: From that thread comes the QOTD!

I can assure you I am not being purposely deceptive.

That sorts that.

Yes, an amazing thread.

Postma eventually summarised his argument with exemplary brevity;
"sunshine is hot".

So what is that photo of anyway?

By TheGoodLocust (not verified) on 17 Aug 2011 #permalink

To Curry's credit even she has called bullshit on Postma. I mean really he's off by a factor of two on the averaged solar constant at TOA *and* he ignores the effect of night!

By Rattus Norvegicus (not verified) on 18 Aug 2011 #permalink

@#27 - The photo is a fossilized footprint of an ancient astronaut trilobite idol.