Spot the location

Where are we? There is an interesting story to it. Note that you can trivially find the answer by clicking on the pic for its name, so don't do that if you want to play the game.

[Update: your questions answered at Holiday in Spain: Chemin de la Mature]


* Where am I now?


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You're right in the middle of the photo. This is the worst "Where's William" game, ever.

There is a part of a walk like that in one of the Spanish National Parks (Ordesa??) on the W side of the Pyrenees.

is it there?

It looks like you've found yourself in some masonry in Brobdingnag.

By TheGoodLocust (not verified) on 24 Aug 2011 #permalink

What's with the rope and rucksack on the slope below the path at the right of the picture?

[Well spotted! All will be revealed soon -W]