Naval gazing

huge I can thoroughly recommend the reviews. But this post, as I'm sure you've already guessed, is not about common problems with perforce but about ScienceBlogs. Or National Geographic blogs, I'm never quite sure what "we" are nowadays.

But nonetheless I was surprised by Sb Has 19 Active Blogs (of which I'm one, of course, though not as active as I used to be). Which in turn points me at The Life and Death of Blog Networks. FWIW, I am enjoying the benign neglect and have nothing to complain about.

On a happier note, Elon Musk Names SpaceX Drone Ships in Honor of Iain M. Banks - Just Read the Instructions and Of Course I Still Love You although saying why was a bit naff of him.

Meanwhile, if you're interested in small boats, here's Paul Holland and I in a pair for the winter Head to Head. I'm the one you can't see :-)


* Russia has been downgraded to junk status for the first time in a decade says Aunty.

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With Siberia’s currency in free fall, one begins to fear for the comparatively almighty Canadian dollar.

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With Siberia’s currency in free fall, one begins to fear for the comparatively almighty Canadian dollar.

One hope for the Great White North is to replace its metallic coinage with tar sand monetized into a form red-blooded Canadian or -en can refuse .With Siberia’s currency in free fall, one begins to fear for the comparatively almighty Canadian dollar.

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[Silently fixed -W]

Occasionally I'll read Stoat, but I didn't know you were a rower! I started rowing at 11 and didn't stop till I started grad school. Rowed for University of Washington, grew up in the Pacific Northwest racing up and down the coast. Coached for a couple of years, then decided that I didn't want to be stuck doing this the rest of my life. I only raced once across the pond at Henley in a quad (I was bow), against the British national youth team. They kicked our asses, anyway that's so cool to learn that you row. I'm wrapping up my MS on guess what? High frequency sea ice motion using ADCP's, which causes me to spend far too much time digging into SSMI and other passive remote sensing products.

[Welcome. It looks like you rowed to a higher level than me. I rowed at university, then dropped out for 15 years, and have been back for the last 6. So there's still hope for you :-) -W] book department is weird.
"Customers Who Viewed This Item Also Viewed ..."

Don't look.

By Hank Roberts (not verified) on 26 Jan 2015 #permalink

"3000 Quads" is a lukewarmer promoting the climate conspiracy books. Eschew.

By Hank Roberts (not verified) on 30 Jan 2015 #permalink

P.S., you can see how he spins from a search:

Thoughts on 2014 and ongoing temperature trends
Jan 22, 2015 - ... 2014 Climate Commenter of the Year. As Gavin Schmidt was awarded Blogger of ...

Open thread | Climate Etc.
2 days ago - ... 2014 Climate Commenter of the Year. As Judith was awarded Blogger of the Year, ...

Coming soon to your blog, no doubt, whoever you are.

By Hank Roberts (not verified) on 30 Jan 2015 #permalink

Hank Roberts @ #8 --- Broken link.

By David B. Benson (not verified) on 30 Jan 2015 #permalink

> broken link
that's a paste of a 'oogle result to point out his spin; I eschew links to stuff I think meant to distract, like that guy's "awards"

By Hank Roberts (not verified) on 31 Jan 2015 #permalink