Merry Christmas

Also from the Nanoblock Meercats, the Great White, and the Interesting and Fun Puzzle:


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and a Happy New Year.

By David B. Benson (not verified) on 25 Dec 2015 #permalink

Turn down a second shot of one side's Koolaid and the other will send round a case of theirs.

The comments are amusing--McIntyre wants to misquote me with approval too.

Odd it took 31,000 petition signers 25 years to discover one paper.
[ I recall you quoting it with appoval too ]

Hmm, William, being quoted with approval by Watts, poor form.

[No no no noooo, that was EJ, was it not? -W]

By Victor Venema … (not verified) on 30 Dec 2015 #permalink

Right, you are not explicitly mentioned as one of the "openly hostile professional people" thanked by Watts himself.

This climate "debate" is such a kindergarten.

By Victor Venema … (not verified) on 30 Dec 2015 #permalink

O Noes!
26 years after it left the station, Judy has jumped on the War Against Fire bandwagon..