Welcome boingboingers

Scienceblogs got a mention on BoingBoing - which if you don't know, is well worth checking out daily - and I'm seeing a spike in visits from that site. So, welcome one and all!

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I usually try to post some lighter material on Fridays-- dorky polls, random tracks, that sort of thing-- and this week, I thought of three different topics that are all basically hooks for comments. So, I'm declaring it a theme for the day, because, well, I can do that. I doubt this will become a…
As a sign of what an enormous geek I am, here's what I did to pass the time while Kate was getting ready for the wedding we went to yesterday: Yes, I amuse myself by making graphs. If I knew Python, I'd be an xkcd character. Anyway, that's the monthly traffic for this blog from January 2006 (when…
ScienceBlogs is coming to an end. I don't know that there was ever a really official announcement of this, but the bloggers got email a while back letting us know that the site will be closing down. I've been absolutely getting crushed between work and the book-in-progress and getting Charlie the…
I run a blog, not an open forum, and I'm reminded once again why I prefer the former. The Richard Dawkins site is revising their forum. This substantial change is causing a great deal of unwarranted anxiety — people are unhappy (which is fair enough) and complaining, and many are flocking to a new…