But we're like Galileo, we really, really are!

ID's martyr complex is alive and well. Witness ...

By proclaiming it illegal to "disparage or denigrate" neo-Darwinism, Judge Jones adopted the principle of the Inquisition, and in so doing rendered both himself and that state-enforced theory ridiculous. Taking a longer view, I think Dover will come eventually to be be seen as a moral victory, in the same way that Galileoâs condemnation is now viewed as a moral victory.

There is only one thing to say to Judge Jones - eppure, si muove!

Galileo they ain't! As my students noticed last week, Galileo had observations, experiments, and explanations in his works. IDists have negative argument ("evolution cannot explain X, so design can") and no explanation of how the design occurred beyond "The Designer did it". 

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...and no explanation of how the design occurred beyond "The Designer did it".

It's even worse than that, since they can't even say there was only one designer. Of course for religious reasons they ignore this.