Point of Agreement

PZ says:

I'm willing to get along with and even support the religious, as long as they don't threaten to suborn secular institutions to privilege religious belief.

And I agree.


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Alas, I don't think PZ really meant what he said. He left out "as long as they're happy to listen and smile every time I throw out a blanket insult everybody with religion and call them all sutpid and ignorant, regardless of whether they are creationists or not, regardless of whether they're trying to suborn secular institutions to privilege religious belief or not."

I agree with the statement he's got, but that statement doesn't describe PZ's behavior.


Mr Knop, I agree PZ can be a little testy sometimes but surely you don't think any religon has a handle on how the universe really works. As long as they cling to superstitions and faith rather than observation and reason it is hard to tell the different tribes apart. Those religous people that accept the world as it is and that hold religon to be a moral guide (it is not but that is a seperate issue)are not stupid and ignorant, they may be misguided in my view but they are not necessarily hypocrits. With regard to religous types trying to suborn secular instituions (in the US) all one has to do is watch the news. From outside the USA it looks very simiilar to the ranting and raving that one usually associates with Islamic nations.

By CanuckRob (not verified) on 02 May 2006 #permalink