Crack open a can

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We're challenging musicians around the world to create a song for the 2nd USA Science & Engineering Festival and all entries are due by November 30, 2011. We are looking for a song that captures the spirit of curiosity, innovation and discovery that the Festival is all about, gets people…
Musical styles can have really weird names. There's sauce music (salsa), meringue music (merengue), juvenile delinquent music (punk), record collection music (disco), LSD warehouse music (acid house), popular music (pop), you name it. But some of the most intensely loved musical styles have names…
I watched the translucent white balloon, perhaps escaped from some baby shower or wedding, float against the clear blue sky. If it had been a cloudy day, I might not even have noticed it up there. It was one of those clear Colorado days, with nothing to stop the incessant waves of heat, pouring…
"Once religion takes hold in a society it can't be stopped." So says President G W Bush in an interview with Bob Costas at the Beijing Olympics. Let's all hope that such is not the case. You can find the video here. The section in question is about 3:15 in. There are plenty of other moments to…

My cousin Ross is a U.S. Marshal and he sometimes e-mails me with stories about the bizarre things he's seen or heard while fighting crime. I sent him the link above just to see if I could outdo him. No such luck. He reports that one of his former partners came across this very thing while serving with the Houston Police Department. Since the photo is from a bust made by the Austin PD, perhaps both stashes came from the same cartel.