HR 810

Brownback's antics aside, HR 810 passed today 63-37, not enough to overide any veto Bush wants to throw in the way. It's wonderful how someone who shows all signs of having slept his way through science classes gets to override the general public, the scientific community and the Senate on this issue, all for a few votes come November.


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I would suggest that people who live in districts and states where their reps and senators voted against this measure contact them, ASAP. It's an election year, if they receive enough email/mail/phone calls calling for them to reverse their position, it could override Bush's veto in the Senate.

Something like 60 Republican votes and/or 18 Democrats would be needed in the House.

Just four votes would be needed in the Senate.

CALL, EMAIL/MAIL them, early and often. Get your friends and family to contact them, early and often. Convince them that this isn't an emotional "non-issue" that they can use to garner religious right support while not angering the majority of voters. Just about everyone knows someone who has suffered (or will suffer) from Alzheimer's, Parkinsons, etc., this is an issue that should be important, not a political BS argument that they can use to wrap up bible thumper support through lies and misrepresentation.

By dogmeatIB (not verified) on 18 Jul 2006 #permalink