Touched by their noodly bile


Believe it or not, the Flying Spaghetti Monster gets hate-mail ... or rather Bobby Henderson does. Check it out here .... it shows a remarkable lack of Christian compassion (and for that matter, spelling and grammar).

Possible "highlight":

As a Christian, I follow Jesus for his teachings of love and tolerance; it is people like you who make me sick, I hope you die in a lake of fire and get your eyes pecked out by crows, so that you may go to hell and exist for eternity in a lake of fire getting your eyes pecked out by crows.

With love,



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That example must be a satire. (Not that there aren't real ones that are similar.) For one thing, it's just a little too obvious. For another, the person used a semicolon in a way that seems to be correct; it's the following comma that's used incorrectly.

Satire or not, it is consistent with the real views of may Christians. Take those that support the death penalty as demonstration of Jesus' love...

support the death penalty as demonstration of Jesus' love - they are so sure that you will love Jesus too that they want to arrange a meeting between you and the 'Prince of Peace" (although, since he rose from the dead wouldn't he also be the prince of the undead?).

By oscarzoalaster (not verified) on 31 Jul 2006 #permalink

with love

as a Christian, i'm sad to see such a letter, real or staged, i don't care. the truth is that a majority of 'christians' would respond like this. sux. try spending your time deconstructing the really warped persona of your faith that is overwhelmingly passed off as the real deal...when you'd like to be sharing how you ENJOY your relationship with the divine. anywho, my reaction to the spaghetti monster and intelligent design? does it really really matter? you're here now, do you care how you came to be here? if you are moved to acknowledge God, great, but really, is arguing about His existence in any way making it more true, more accepted? not really. want to show someone there is a God? love them when you have the worldy right to despise or hate them. just sayin' k

(although, since he rose from the dead wouldn't he also be the prince of the undead?).
Jesus is a zombie! I never thought of that! George Romero is just another Mel Gibson.